Caregiver’s Helping Hand, Inc needs your help with our annual Christmas Senior Gift Baskets for 41 local Senior nursing homes, residential centers, and Senior living facilities. We would like to supply gifts and cards for both men and women. We need volunteers of all ages to deliver gifts and sing Christmas Carols. We need wrapping paper, basket items needed are lotions, shower gel, body wash, Sweaters, socks and T-shirts for men and women, pictures for walls. We need around $10,000- to purchase all of the gifts and cards for the Christmas Season.
We need your help in filling the wish list of these lonely and confined Seniors. Our volunteers will deliver the baskets, sing, and play Christmas music. We are inviting you, your school, organization and/or your staff to join us in making this holiday season special. Join us in bringing a smile to the faces of the forgotten and see the tears of joy flow from their eyes.
To make a donation, please visit our website at Or mail donations to 2621 East Lake Ave, Tampa, Fl 33610 Please RSVP for volunteering no later than November 30, 2023 by contacting Caregiver’s at (813) 431-1814 or by emailing